If you are paranoid like me, you will love this new feature Google is slowly starting to roll out! Now you can check if your gMail account is opened in another place (browser, mobile POP3...) simultaneously, and it's IP address.
Read more about it in the official gMail blog.
You can even sign out remotely your account from the footer of your gMail, and view some details of the other sessions. Nice!
siiiiiiiiiiiii arriva la paranoiaaaaaa. De hecho, hoy en dìa siento que me siguen, oigo voces, y hasta escucho sus respiraciones, ¡Hay wey!
Lozbo, no publiques el comment anterior, Tuve un error de dedo. Era; ¡Arriba la paranoia! Yo tambièn oigo voces y escucho su respiraciòn y bla bla bla.
Ups! Too late!
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